Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When are rehearsals?
    Rehearsals are Sunday evenings from 5-7pm, in downtown Colorado Springs. (Exact location will be given in private to promote safety.)
  2. What does it cost?
    Singer fees are scaled to number of singers, but our aim is to keep it around $100 or less per month. This includes music, staff, accompanist, and facility fees. We really don’t want cost to be a hindrance for talented musicians, so if this is a hindrance, please let us know.
  3. What will we wear?
    Concert attire will be “dress black”. This means each singer finds their own concert dress that adheres to a certain set of standards common in music ensembles. (No sparkles or prints, but individuality and comfort will be encouraged.) We will not be buying collective “choir dresses” or tuxes.
  4. How many concerts?
    We are planning 2 “formal” concerts and a fundraising dinner in our inaugural season. (2024-2025). One in winter, one in spring. The dinner will be held in March. 
  5. Tell me more about the New York trip.
    NYC – We are planning a trip to New York City in June to sing with a larger choir of about 150 voices at Carnegie Hall. This is NOT a mandatory event. Fundraising will be on your own, but we have ideas to help raise funding for that! I will be going regardless, and invite any singers to join. It involves a cruise around the city afterward and some really fun sight-seeing and rehearsals for a few days in the heart of Manhattan. We will need a preliminary head count around October 1.
  6. How much volunteer work or fundraising is required?
    There will not be mandatory volunteer requests made of parents/guardians or singers. We understand some people enjoy these roles, so there will be a spot for you if you want it! But we also understand fully that people’s lives exist outside of this choir and we strive to make it a place of renewal and joy, instead of more work for you. 
  7. Why should I join this choir?
    We sincerely are hoping that CSYC is a place that cultivates a depth of musical expertise, while letting high schoolers tap into their inherent creativity. We want to give them space to plan, create, and build connections with one another, guided by an artistic director that can offer insight and support. Our motto is “both, and”.  Sight-reading AND improvisation. Visual, spoken AND musical art forms. Classical/traditional choral format or innovative and new? BOTH.  These things are difficult to do in a school setting. We’re hoping as we reach the limits of Colorado Springs and surrounding areas, we can tap into as much talent as possible to create something beautiful and unique together.